oh my... the time is flying...

What is new with micro? lots. She flew on a plane. She met 4 great-grandparents. She learned to roll over... and crawl... and stand... and is threatening to walk, talk, and chew gum. She even caught a Sosa homerun on Waveland Avenue. Well, she would've if her mum would have let her ride the 'L' by herself. She started eating solid food... sadly this includes anything she can get her hands on. She got teeth. And she knows how to use them.

What is new with rest of the fam? Well, we are just trying to keep up. Our baby-proofing efforts are always one step ahead of the little one, but i'm not sure we can match her logarithmic drive towards danger. Our old computer died. Our new computer has arrived. Long live the new computer. Why did i wait so long to retire the old one?? Old PC will hopefully soon be rebuilt and running as a linux music server for my slimp3.

Anna y yo will soon get around to sorting through the hundreds of pictures since we last updated. For now, i'll leave you with this:


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